Orkney Genealogy
Orkney Genealogy
Also including Caithness and the Shetlands Isles
Cursiter.com is undergoing much needed repair and maintenance. At present, we have the surname birth and marriage record text files for most Orkney surnames and a spreadsheet with links to them (click Birth and Marriage Record Links in the link at the top right). More is coming. It took a long time to sort out the "hijack" issues. Please continue to use the surname text files and check back for the rest of the files soon.
Thanks for stopping by!
Cursiter.com is undergoing much needed repair and maintenance. At present, we have the surname birth and marriage record text files for most Orkney surnames and a spreadsheet with links to them (click Birth and Marriage Record Links in the link at the top right). More is coming. It took a long time to sort out the "hijack" issues. Please continue to use the surname text files and check back for the rest of the files soon.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hall of Cursiter
painting by Stanley Cursiter
This website began in July 1997 as a personal genealogy page but has evolved into a site focused on the overall genealogy of the Orkney Islands of Scotland. Its ultimate scope is all Orcadian surnames from all of the islands. I have also included some general data and background information on my family including my personal genealogy research. All the data can be freely downloaded for non-commercial purposes.
I thank everyone who has visited this site and provided encouragement for its continuous expansion. I welcome all suggestions and will add additional data as time allows based upon reasonable requests. I am also happy to include other contributors' data and website links. --Walt Custer